Triflect Academy

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein

Training and Education

Learning is fun and helps to enlarge competences. Learning in social contact stimulates various senses and widens the frame of reference. Sustainable learning is meaningful, holistic and emotional. It enriches life on different levels of consciousness

In business and private life, there are infinite chances for an ongoing process of personal development. In any situation, each individual is either taking place in the role as a teacher or as learner.

Innovation, creativity, success and flow start with learning and an open and interested attitude towards the unknown.

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Basic Education in Transactional Analysis

Introductory Workshop TA 101«Relationship - Communication - Personality» (Two Day Workshop)

-> further data on request

Methodical Competence in Transactional Analysis "Professionalisation in Counselling" (Annual Training and Education for Leaders, Counselors, Health Care Workers, People from Social and Educational Departments, etc.)

Practical Competence in Transactional Analysis "Professionalisation in Counselling" (Biennial Training and Education for Leaders, Counselors, Health Care Workers, People from Social and Educational Departments, etc.)

Group Supervision with Transactional Analysis "Professionalisation in Know-how, Counselling and Leadership" (Annual Training and Education for Leaders, Counselors, Health Care Workers, People from Social and Educational Departments, etc.)

Script Weekend "Personal development and script work" (four-day training course for managers, counsellors, people from the social and healthcare sectors, etc.)

The Offer of Education is conform to the guidelines of the International Committee of Transactional Analysis (ITTA, EATA).
The Introductory Workshop TA 101 is required for further education in Transactional Analysis.

A conversation with the trainer is needed before the admission of the application can be approved.

The Further Education in Transactional Analysis and passing the CTA Exam qualifies to a BSO Label and a national certificate.

Further Education - Seminars and Workshops

Increase Resilience in Organizations - how you can protect yourself and your team from a Burnout and Work Overload (One Day Workshop)

Better understanding & diagnosing of Burnout - how you can protect yourself and your team from a Burnout (One Day Workshop)

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) in Organisations - how you and your team can learn to focus on success and change your basic attitude in the spirit of AI (one-day seminar)

Improvement of Communication and Relationsship - Successful Co-Working with children, teenagers and adults (One Day Workshop)

Clarity and empowerment for school and social care professionals and managers -> TA is going to school (One-day seminar)

    Please ask for individual customized trainings & workshops.

    Let it shine! Lass dein Licht leuchten!

    Your attitude and your actions make a difference!

    Recognize the positive characteristics in you and in others!

    Find your way back to your strength, power and intuition!

    Take the first step!

    The 21 Day Challenge „Let it shine!“ is now available in the Shop as Download!

    Donate with your application to a good cause.
    All earnings of the challenge go to charity!

    Contact Form



    online & locally in Zurich City (next to Stauffacher, only 5 min walking)


    available on request

    Still not sure?

    Please contact me to arrange a free "discovery call" (15 min) without obligation.


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