Awakening is a very common and often used word in the spiritual world. The difficulty is, that everyone has its own frame of reference, experiences and expectations around that topic. In buddishm, awakening is described as an act of waking from sleep as well as an act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something. Others may describe it as a call to higher consciousness and deeper mental awareness.

According to my experience, awakening is unfolding in different stages and on different levels. Personal insights are so powerful and whenever I have experienced it, it supported me with reaching my next goals or increased my well-being and happiness in various areas of my life. According to my point of view, personal transformation can’t be forced, BUT it can be nourished.

It is a never ending, wonderful process which unfolds on different levels of consciousness. Every personal insight brings someone closer to “who they really are” and “where they come from”. Every shift in consciousness is therefore a benefit for the personal development. It may have a huge impact on several areas of life such as health, relationships, job, family, friendship, success, business, fulfillment, personal dreams, happiness, creativity, wealth, etc. Seeing people change for their good and witness such improvements is a real gift to me. That is what inspires me to work as a coach, counsellor and consultant.

Working as a transformative coach, I would describe personal awakening as the moment when someone hears something, which changes everything (and nothing) within a second. It is a personal insight, that enriches the overall perspective and hasn’t been part of the personal frame of reference yet. It often comes with an amazing feeling of relief, happiness, lightness or clarity.

Spiritual awakening is a personal transformation, which is not linked to hard work or finding solutions with our intellect. It suddenly happens with no effort and it sometimes feels like a gift or sign from heaven.

It is often linked to a special atmosphère, which helps the client to open up and become receptive. Even though in transformative coaching, I create circumstances that help the client to calm down and get reflective, personal insights can’t be predicted. They often happen during a coaching session. It may also happen, that they occur all of a sudden after a coaching session or even a few days later. Some clients describe a very light, positive feeling during the conversations. After a transformative conversation, some even describe it as some kind of meditative state.

When clients experience a shift in their mental framework, they can easily access solutions or new perspectives to situation or problems in their life. I often experience that after a shift in one’s worldview, the positive personal transformation continues in various other areas of their life without special effort or even realizing it.

A similar change happens when people start to meditate. Meditation is even known to change some areas of the brain and therefore, people are able to get more often and easily into the relaxed state. There are three different levels of consciousness: alpha, theta and delta. The more experienced someone is, the deeper the relaxation during a meditation may be.

Alpha Level 8-12 Hz relaxed state, light relaxation
Theta Level 3-8 Hz meditative state, deep relaxation
Delta Level 0.4–3 Hz deep sleep, trance and hypnosis

Tranformative Coaching uses the benefits of this different states without having to do hypnosis or meditation. The client is still able to control where the conversation is leading to.

Personal insights appear to happen more often in a relaxed state. They can happen any time and any place! That is why they sometimes even happen under the shower, when we go for a walk in the forest or while driving a car. Therefore, there are really no limits for having personal insights and experiencing a continuing personal development.

Awakening or even spiritual awakening may not be relevant for everyone. But the fact that we are all perfect human beings with mind, body and soul and that we all have an inner guidance system, our intuition, which can lead us in life, is absolutely stunning to me!

Personal transformation is, like spiritual awakening, a very individual process. If we are able to not only use our intellect, but also our inner guidance system, I am sure that we can make a difference in the world and that this can lead us to our own personal happiness and fulfillment.

Awakening is an ongoing process. In best case, it is a very joyful discovery journey. We may float and wonder on different levels of consciousness in different stages in life. We might not always be ready, able or willing to listen deeply, and that’s ok! But when we become open and receptive and have a personal insight, we will just know it and the good feeling will come along with it and be proof.

Have fun and all the best



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